Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR) - Câmpus Curitiba

Departamento Acadêmico de Eletrônica & Departamento Acadêmico de Informática

Curso de Engenharia de Computação

Oficina de Integração 3

(Integration Workshop 3)

última atualização: 06/07/2024



  As for the 1st semester 2024, ALL classes, presentations,

discussions and reports will be in English!







Deliverables / Evaluations

Detailed deliverables


mar. 7th

Overall introduction and course overview. The PMBOK method, examples of successfull projects. Teams composition. Open brainstorm about project ideas.


mar. 14th

Time management strategies.

Comments about teams' project proposals (plans A, B, and C) previously provided as short videos


mar. 21st

Presentation and discussion about 3 possible project proposals (plans A, B, and C) for each team

Live presentation of project proposals (plans A, B, and C) made available in the blog

A blog site freely accessible in the internet should be created. Such a blog shall follow the template of previous projects. At the inception, the blog shall have, at least, full information about the team, project, requirements, schedule, budget and risk analysis. The blog will be dynamic and weekly updated with all the information and documents generated along the development of the project. Until the end of semester, the blog will be used to present the weekly deliverables.

Teams should present at least 3 possible project ideas that comprise mechanical, electronic and software development and integration. Projects must be original, not replay of previous projects. The extension and complexity of the projects should be compatible with the number of students in the team and the time available for development.


mar. 28th

Seminar for discussing project proposals and presentation of *enhanced* versions of plans A and B. Selection of the project proposal. Choice of the best suitable project for developping during the semester.

Enhanced project proposals (plans A and B)

After rebuttal from the professors, teams must choose 2 out of the 3 initial proposals. Teams should enhance both plans with more details and specifications.

apr. 4th

Project development: detailed requirements




Interview with the expert #1


Funcional and non-functional requirements for hardware and software. Platforms, budget, detailed tasks and schedule. Risks management analysis

Presentation of the funcional and non-functional requirements for hardware and software platforms, budget, initial definition of tasks and schedule.

In-depth analysis of the risk management plan together with schedule and requirements


apr. 11th

Project development and monitoring

PC1: Project Charter

The Project Charter must contain detailed information about the motivations and objective of the project, as well as the funcional and non-functional requirements (and counter-requirements, if necessary); hardware and software platforms, budget, full definition of tasks and detailed schedule. Both, budget and schedule must be formatted following the rules predefined by the professors.

apr. 18th

Project development and monitoring

PC2: Project Charter

The Project Charter must contain detailed information about the motivations and objective of the project, as well as the funcional and non-functional requirements (and counter-requirements, if necessary); hardware and software platforms, budget, full definition of tasks and detailed schedule. Both, budget and schedule must be formatted following the rules predefined by the professors.

apr. 25th

Project development and monitoring (All Teams)

D1: Mechanical design

Full mechanical design (including all diagrams and technical drawings).

may. 2nd

Project development and monitoring (All Teams)

D2: Full Mechanical project. Electronic design 

Complete mechanical project, including drawing of all parts, printed parts and their mounting. Electronic design including schematics and test of components.
  10 may. 9th Project development and monitoring  (All Teams)



D3: Full electronic project. Software design Finished mechanical structure. Electronic hardware design including schematics, PCB and state-machine. Functional tests of sensors & actuators are necessary.  Software design with UML diagrams (use-case, sequence, activity, classes, deployment, entity-relationship), for firmware, frontend and backend, and mobile app.

may. 16th

Project development and monitoring (All Teams)


Interview with the expert #2

D4: Software project All electronic development should be ready, partially integrated with the firmware and mechanics. Complete software design of firmware, database, mobile app, webserver (front/back), with all relevant UML diagrams must be presented. Tests of modules and PoCs are espected.

may. 23rd

Project development and monitoring (All Teams) D5: Mechanics, hardware and software integration Demonstration of the integration between the mechanical parts with hardware/firmware and software elements by means of unit tests.

may. 30th

HOLIDAY: Corpus Christi    

jun. 6th

Project development and monitoring (All Teams)

D6: Overall integration and functional tests

Complete solution demonstrating the integration of all elements of the project. All the requirements and functionalities of the project shall be accomplished and fully tested. The project development is finished.

jun. 13th

Preview (qualification) of the project defense (Teams #1, #2)

TR: Full Technical Report + 5 min. video clip (project overview)



The Technical Report must be formatted according to the official format and sent by email. The full presentation of the project should last no more than 25 minutes.Slides and/or other multimedia support are expected to be used. An overview of the project should be presented as a short video (5 min.) 

Technical Report: 15-20 pages (hard limit!)


jun. 20th

Preview (qualification) of the project defense (Teams #2, #3)

TR: Full Technical Report + 5 min. video clip (project overview)

The Technical Report must be formatted according to the official format and sent by email. The full presentation of the project should last no more than 25 minutes.Slides and/or other multimedia support are expected to be used. An overview of the project should be presented as a short video (5 min.) 

Technical Report: 15-20 pages (hard limit!)


jun. 27th

Live presentation of the project to the examining board (Teams #1, #2)

DF: Defense of the project. Self-evaluation (1st round)


room CB301


jul. 4th

Live presentation of the project to the examining board (Teams #3, #4)

DF: Defense of the project. Self-evaluation (2nd round)


room CB301





(to be defined)


PROJECTS - CLASS 1.sem 2024

Ash: The table tennis ball fetcher robot

Cat tap: cat amusement station

Hectoliter scale


PROJECTS - CLASS 2.sem 2023

dTicker - Decentralized Ticket Entry System

Mage Hand - Gesture-Activated Candy Machine

Snacks Control System

ALIX - Learning Assistant Robot

Patrole - Shopping Security Robot

Portable Neural Stimulator

PROJECTS - CLASS 1.sem 2023

Self-Walking Luggage

SafeBox - A delivery safe box

Vipper - the mapper vine

AutoFleet - Driver monitoring system

PROJECTS - CLASS 2.sem 2022

Robinho - a robot for teaching children programming skills

PROJECTS - CLASS 1.sem 2022

The Handy Wardrobe - Intelligent wardrobe for blind people

Fall Guys - Monitoring elder people falls at distance

Smart Recycler - Automatic segregation of recyclable trash

PROJECTS - CLASS 2.sem 2021

EasyPark - Parking management system

FareSeer - Tube station monitoring system

DeliveryBox - Security for your delivery food

PROJECTS - CLASS 1.sem 2021

ElectionPipa - Electronic Voting System

LibScoutR - The Library Scouting Robot

PROJECTS - CLASS  2.sem 2020 (*2021)

ChickenIO - Poultry Coop Management

FollowYolo - WiFi Mapping Robot

PROJECTS - CLASS 1.sem 2020

SmartLocker - Locker Rental System

WhereBot - WiFi Mapping Robot

Medicine Deployer - Medicine Delivery Robot

PROJECTS - CLASS 2.sem 2019

Bluber - Bike Rental System

FireBot - A FireFighter Robot

DLVR - A Mini Driverless Delivery Robot


TheBitBox - Vending Machine com compras por criptomoedas

STEVE - Sistema de TElemetria VEicular

Trayker - Robô de coleta de bandejas em shoppings


Robçom - O robô garçom

WildRadio - Sistema de monitoramento remoto de animais selvagens

Baby8 - Robô do star-wars BB8

Help - Monitoramento remoto de pessoas idosas

Tesseract - Sistema de reprodução e visualização de áudio


PetFeeder - Sistema remoto de alimentação e monitoramento de animais

Safe Place: Sistema de controle de acesso de pessoas a ambientes restritos

Smart Pomodoro: Sistema de gerenciamento inteligente de tempo


Harmony - Piano eletrônico para fins didáticos

LandTracker - Veículo semi-autônomo de rastreamento terrestre

101Led - Plataforma independente de jogo rítmico

EnvironBox - Avaliadora da qualidade do ambiente de trabalho

Process - Solução baseada em sistema embarcado para controle de produção

RobSpider - Robô aranha

WatchDogs - Sistema Inteligente de Segurança


BERC1 - Barco explorador remotamente controlado

EMP - Estação de monitoramento de poluentes

RoboMap - Robô mapeador de percurso


TABiR - Trava com abertura biométrica ou remota

Bellator - Mapeamento de ambientes com o robô Bellator

SMQ - Sistema de monitoração de quedas


DECoRe - Dirigível explorador controlado remotamente

PoRoRo - Ponte rolante robotizada

RoboSitter - Sistema robótico para monitoramento de crianças